About Homeopathy

"Homeopathy cures a larger percentages of cases than any other method of treatment and is beyond doubt safer and more economical and most complete medical science."
Mahatma Gandhi
Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine that works with the laws of nature. Every individual is unique, so your treatment will be holistic and tailored to you.
Homeopathy is based on the principle that ’like cures like’. This means that a substance that causes certain symptoms in a healthy person, can in highly diluted and potentized form cure similar symptoms in a sick person.
For example, cutting a raw onion may cause stinging, watery eyes and a runny nose. That’s why a homeopathic remedy prepared from onion (Allium Cepa) can successfully treat hayfever, which causes similar symptoms.
Homeopathic remedies work as a stimulant for the body’s natural healing mechanism, thus supporting the immune system and restoring the natural balance.
Homeopathic remedies are prepared from plants, animals and minerals. They are natural, gentle and effective, with no side effects. These remedies are safe for babies, pregnant women and the elderly.
Homeopathic remedies can be safely used alongside conventional medicine. They are non-toxic and do not affect the action of prescribed medication. Many people use homeopathy as an additional therapy to complement their existing healthcare regime, with positive results.
Homeopathic support:
Homeopathy can provide support with both short
and long term conditions. Individuals seeking homeopathic support may be diagnosed by their doctor with the following:
Allergies: allergic rhinitis, eczema, hay fever
Anxiety / Stress / Depression
Children behavioural disorders: ADD/ADHD, bedwetting, nightmares
Colds & Coughs
Digestive problems: IBS, indigestion, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis
Headaches / Migraines
Hormonal problems: menstrual problems, menopause
Injuries: bruising, cuts, sprains, strains
Musculoskeletal disorders
Pregnancy ailments
Skin problems
Many other physical and mental health issues
To find out more about how homeopathy can support you and your wellbeing, please get in touch,